In addition to our selection fresh nutritious vegetables we We give individual and group tours of our farm call for details.
I'm delighted to announce that we are at The Mcgregor Local Green Market Saturdays from 9 am till 1 pm, we hope to see you there Come visit us, it is really a pleasure to see old and new faces. We continue to have our specialty items including Tumeric, Galanga, Moringa plus the same fabulous produce we grew last year. We are continuing to grow our selections of herbal teas and more and now we are able to do it on our own farm. Very exciting

We are always excited to see people interested in healthful nutritious food.
Talk to Terry @ 239 313 9765 or

We specialize in asian vegetables and nutritious crops from around the world. . We work hard to provide a healthy soil environment with plenty of organic matter to conserve water and nutrients as well as provide a home for multitudes of microbes. We believe that when we care for the soil and the microbes in the soil they take care of the plants and us. We started because we were concerned about our diets and where our food came from. It seemed a great mystery. We started with a small plot that became 4 and 14 till we have lost count. Along the way we have learned many lessons about plants, soil health and our environment. Now we want to share the fruits both literal and figurative of our efforts with you our neighbors. We hope and believe you will find it as rewarding as we have.